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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

I have always loved Halloween since I was a little girl, and I am seeing the same enthusiasm as Madeline grows older. She was so excited when I asked her to go get her pumpkin that she had gotten at the pumpkin patch so that we could carve it. She had her own play knife, ladle, and spoons to clean the pumpkin. She is so proud of the finished product! We'll have more Halloween post throughout the week.

Getting Started

Finishing Touches

Meet Jack O. Lantern


Kerrie said...

Kaelyn loves Halloween too. And carving pumpkins. I think mostly b/c we get to go to the Barkers and play. And partially for the candy!

Kerrie said...

Tag! Your it! Check out my blog!

boynamedsue said...

Hi..... I have tried this once and it canceled. Am trying again. Madeline you have had a great 6 months having fun and doing a lot of things - Olympic trials, America's birthday, pumpkin picking, school, and lots more. I need to do more fun things too. Yesterday I went to the Swine Festival in Basile. You would have enjoyed trying to catch a pig. They run so fast! I will watch for your next blog. Susan

boynamedsue said...

Hi What a 6 months you have had from Olympics to Yankee Doodle Dandy, to Gustav/Ike and Jack-O-Lanterns!!!! And even starting school. Madeline, you are growing up fast and I think you are doing a lot of fun and interesting things. Wish I was doing more fun things myself. Perhaps I will soon. I went to the Swine Festival in Basile yesterday. You would have enjoyed trying to catch a pig! They run fast! I will look for your next blog and how you celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas.